We have been experiencing unseasonably warm weather this week. The kids have loved it. We've played golf, jumped on the trampoline, terrorized cats (not literally) and played at the clubhouse and in the yard.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Fun at the Stock Show

The kids got a kick out of these photo ops at the Animal Adventure Barn. They liked the animals, too. Farm Bureau sponsored the barn and it featured mother and baby pairs of goats, lambs, cows and chickens and chicks. They also had a "barn" that had a display of the different types of animal feed. We even had a brief shootout there. (I know, amazingly we weren't asked to leave.)

San Antonio Stock Show,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
How to Entertain a Four-Year-Old Boy

T.S. had a great time at the stock show, too. It was hard for him to be quiet and still around the pens. (You don't want the lambs up and walking around a lot.) Thankfully, the rain/mist stopped Tuesday afternoon and he got to have some fun outside. All you need to entertain a four-year-old boy is a rubber band gun, a few rubber bands and a can. When he got tired of shooting at the can, he enjoyed "shooting into outer space."

San Antonio Stock Show,
stock show,
Friday, February 20, 2009
We're Back
We got in last night from San Antonio. It was a long trip, but fun. Sadie worked very hard--feeding Leonard every 3 hours on Monday and Tuesday. (Thanks dad for doing the late night and early, early feedings so we could sleep a little.) She was at the barn by 6:30 Wednesday morning and ready to show him in the first class that morning.
Once again, Sadie was an outstanding showman--she impressed quite a few people with her abilities. She and Leonard were pulled as soon as the judge felt of the lamb. She then had to weigh him and wait in an alley with the other kids who were pulled. After that, they went back into the ring and showed again. Sadie and Leonard ended up 14th--only the top 9 sell. We were so proud of both of them. There were about 40 in her class and the weight range was from 100-113 with a 5 pound overage (which means some of the lambs were probably 118). Leonard topped the scales at 97 lbs. Once again he was small and mighty. I'll post pictures later.
Once again, Sadie was an outstanding showman--she impressed quite a few people with her abilities. She and Leonard were pulled as soon as the judge felt of the lamb. She then had to weigh him and wait in an alley with the other kids who were pulled. After that, they went back into the ring and showed again. Sadie and Leonard ended up 14th--only the top 9 sell. We were so proud of both of them. There were about 40 in her class and the weight range was from 100-113 with a 5 pound overage (which means some of the lambs were probably 118). Leonard topped the scales at 97 lbs. Once again he was small and mighty. I'll post pictures later.
San Antonio Stock Show,
stock show
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Coin Update
We haven't seen the "man" yet. I'm sure he'll wait to appear at the stockshow. Leonard is washed, sheared and ready.
Update when we return.
Update when we return.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
T.S. Says
T.S.: I can hardly wait to tell GeGe that I swallowed a quarter.
Me: I don't think it was a quarter, it was a penny.
T.S.: No mom, it had a man on it so it is a quarter.
Me: I don't think it was a quarter, it was a penny.
T.S.: No mom, it had a man on it so it is a quarter.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Highlights of the Day
Here's a brief synopsis of our day today:
- The wind blew, AGAIN.
- Collected only 3 eggs (I'm wondering if the weather/wind affects this. But not enough to launch a full scale inquiry/experiment.)
- The roosters are fighting--they've been best buds for months and now they are going at it; there's even blood. If it hadn't been so dang windy, I would've tried to get pictures for you.
- T.S. swallowed a "coin." He was a little bit upset about this to say the least. I actually think it terrified him. Here's hoping we can collect our "change" in a day or two.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sadie's Stock Show Pictures

Sadie took these pictures at the FFA Children's Barnyard at the Fort Worth Stock Show. She learned it is very hard to get the picture you want when you are shooting through fence. The Ferris wheel was for the baby chicks, but we never saw any of them ride it. The ducks had a cool water slide and pool to swim in, but they were always very content under their heat lamps when we saw them.
Fort Worth Stockshow,
Sadie's photgraphy
Friday, February 6, 2009
Fort Worth Stock Show

You can pack a lot into two days. We left Wednesday for Fort Worth and were home this afternoon. What we did at the stock show:
- Checked out exhibits--YAY for free stuff!
- Petting zoo
- Magic Show
- FFA Barnyard--another post with Sadie's pictures of all the animals and babies coming soon
- Rodeo
- Stock show food--overpriced but a GREAT indulgence!
- Fun with cousins, aunts, great-aunts, grandparents and friends
- Oh yeah, Sadie even showed a pig! (pictures to come--this is the only time we lost T.S.; right in the middle of Sadie's class. Don't worry, we found him and Sadie's "fans" have plenty of pictures to share.)
Sadie showed Wilbur on Thursday. She was pulled the first time through for the judge to look at again. She didn't place in the top ten but she showed like a pro. She's already talking about next year.
The happy face marked our pens.
Watching Robby clean up Wilbur. Sadie couldn't do this because she'd already changed into her show clothes.
Sadie waiting for her class to be called. She's posing with her very special pocket brush.
Fort Worth Stockshow,
stock show,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
My How They've Grown

Remember the kittens we bottle fed?
You can search our blog for "kittens" and get the full saga.
I thought I should update you. I took these pictures yesterday. Please note, it is very hard to take their picture, they come running and want to put their face directly in the lens.
Tiger--the only girl

Tiger--the only girl
Uncle Sally--He was the runt.
Monday, February 2, 2009
We have an egg!!!
I know, what's the big deal about an egg? The big deal is we have our first egg from one of the Rhode Island Red pullets... she's choosing to remain anonymous at this time. That means, eventually we could be getting 12 eggs a day, if everyone that is capable does her part.
The picture is labeled so you can see the difference in an egg from a mature hen and a first egg. It is a pretty good sized egg for a first one. Eventually the Reds will lay eggs that are comparable to this, but maybe not quite so big. Our two old Leghorn hens lay really big eggs.

Here are some pictures of the chickens today:

Remember, in August they looked like this:

In September, they looked like this:
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