We left last Saturday after Sadie's Little Dribblers game. We fed Edward in Tulia before we left and stopped every couple of hours to feed and drench. These pictures are at a rest stop near Henrietta--notice the snow. It was strange seeing snow on the ground so close to Fort Worth.
We spent Saturday night with Sissy and Albert. Robby met up with the group we haul with on Sunday. They headed on down to get in line to unload Monday morning.
The kids and I enjoyed a day of shopping and playing on Sunday. (Thanks, Sissy and Albert!) We left Monday morning and made a quick detour at the capitol (pics to come).
Sadie didn't show until Wednesday which gave us plenty of time to check out exhibits and be tourists in between feeding every 2-4 hours. (pics to come)
Sadie was in the first class at 8:00 on Wednesday morning. She did an outstanding job showing and placed second. The judge even commented on her showmanship during his comments on the class.
Sadie and Uncle Craig before she heads to the ring. Robby and Sadie head to the holding area.
Robby gives some last-minute tips.
Sadie works to get Edward set up for the judge.
Sadie gets Edward set up for the judge's comments after placing.
We then had to wait ALL day to go back for the medium wool breed drive. The wait was definitely worth it. They announced each showman's name, parents, hometown and preferred college as they entered the ring. (Sadie was undecided--which was a relief to me, there's still hope for A&M!) It was incredible to watch Sadie go out there like she'd been in breed drives her whole life.

Sadie enters the ring with Edward for the breed drive.
After that, she finally got the green dot that signified she was in the sale.
It was an amazing day.