The day started like any other. C.W. arrived to play and T.S. took some pictures.

The boys were outside playing and the next thing I know, C.W. is crying. It seems that T.S. hit a golf ball and it landed right on C.W.'s cheek bone. According to T.S., "He was in my way."
C.W.'s version: "Well, T.S. hit me with a golf ball."
We called City Hall and Scott had Jerry meet us at the fire station to look at it. Jerry decided that since there was some blood in the white part of the eye, someone should look at it.
In the mean time, Aunt Judy noticed our car at the station, so she came over from the bank to check on things. Not long after that, Robby drove by with a busload of kids...cell phone rang within seconds. Before the whole thing was over, several people stopped to see what was happening.
Jay took C.W. to the eye doctor and all is well. C.W. made it back in time to go to Sadie's musical.

This is a shot of C.W. holding the ice pack on. He didn't keep it on long because, "It's cold!"
My life is so boring compared to yours.
Oh Jen, if you only knew.
It was SO fun going to school and having to tell the story to EVERYONE we saw. We're trying to get CW to say, "You should see the other guy." When someone asks. But, instead he says, "I can see the other guy."
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