Sadie was a wisewoman/girl/lady. T.S. was a shepherd. (Yes, his robe has Lightning McQueen on it--he's very fashion forward as far as shepherds go.)

Some shepherds had whips and sorting sticks (we are in the panhandle--the beef capital of the world). Some cast members chose not to wear footwear. I think they thought that was keeping it true to the times. Our program had no fancy set or costumes. But it had the most important thing a Christmas program should have--the story of the birth of Jesus.

Santa even made a visit--both kids are still committed to joining forces and asking for a Wii together.
I liked the part when ts was wereing the lightning mcqueen robe. I also liked the part when sadie wore the head peace. love josie
i love Christmas pageants. my kids used to do them in our home all the time!
blessings on your little ones.
I love your new pic at the top. Perfect TS face. Sadie looked beautiful that night and I had fun getting to help TS. I hope you have a great Christmas. I love the mat. The boys will too. We can even take it to Jana's thanks!! I think this form of communication is cool for us. I cherish it. Merry Christmas!! Love Christy
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