Monday, December 26, 2011


This looks cool, but didn't turn out so well for T.S.

The dog that lives next to the overpass likes to catch snow when you throw it to him.

Catchin' a ride to the other side, for more messy fun.

This is serious stuff...notice how wet T.S.'s bibs and jacket are.
We met up with friends at the overpass today.  As you can see, most of the snow was gone, but there was just enough snow, mud and grass to keep the kids going non-stop for a few hours.  We were muddy wet messes at the end, but I can't think of a better way to spend a few hours of our holiday with friends enjoying snowy, fun together.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Everybody Say Cheese...

We have had a fabulous Christmas weekend.  Saturday we enjoyed supper and games with GeGe.  This morning we woke up to Santa and snow!  We enjoyed church then had lunch with GeGe and headed to Tulia to visit Nonnie.  It was still snowing when we got home, so Robby and the kids bundled up and headed out for some hood riding.  Now we are enjoying leftovers (yes, I let T.S. eat only potato casserole for supper) and I'm back in my wonderful hoodie-footie pajamas.  The kids are scheming with snow plans for tomorrow.  Merry Christmas from the Bows!

One down side to riding the car hood--snow is blown into your face. 

We didn't do a good job of protecting T.S.'s face from the blowing snow (I was not quite prepared).  We did, however, manage to stuff T.S.'s size 3 foot into a size 12 snow boot.

Merry Christmas from the Family (Feliz Navidad....Noel, Noel)

Electric guitar--T.S. has everything packed and ready to go for lessons tomorrow--only problem:  we aren't sure if we have them or not.

Pink perfume and a James Avery charm bracelet--Santa knows where to shop!

Sadie and Robby (along with Kenli, Rylee and Craig) played two songs at church this morning.

Serious discussion with GeGe before heading out into the cold.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

The kids constructed and decorated gingerbread houses yesterday.  Every time we do this, it reminds me of the year Jennifer and Nonnie made one from scratch.  PaPa ended up nailing it together--with real nails.

Christmas at Mom's

The Spivey crew was up for a few days last week.  We enjoyed playing cards, Apples to Apples, and making cookies.  Jim and his bunch came up one evening to celebrate Christmas. It sure was fun to have everyone together.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

The previous post is untitled--Blogger and I aren't getting along so well. 

Sadie was Imogene Herdman in "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever."  The 5th and 6th grades presented it.  These pictures are from dress rehearsal--because of the weather, I was afraid we wouldn't have school on performance day, and somebody thought it'd be a good idea for me to run the lights.  We did have school, the kids did a fantastic job, and I didn't mess the lights up too badly.

T.S. started the month with a trip to The Grand to see Santa.
He was a shepherd in our church Christmas Pageant.

He saw Santa again at church.

Sadie unwillngly saw Santa at church--hope she doesn't get coal.

Our pageant was complete with sheep.  All of the kids get to pick what part they'll be in the program, then they come up with their costumes.