Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Greetings!

Santa Recently made a stop at The Grand here in Happy.  Sadie wants an electric scooter and a Paperjamz guitar.  T.S. wants a Paperjamz guitar and a compound bow.  Let's hope they made it on the "good" list.


We celebrated Thanksmas (early Christmas) and Thanksgiving with family then headed to Aledo for Bow Thanksgiving.  The cousins had a ball building their clubhouse in the woods.  We all enjoyed meeting Evan--I'm sure he was thrilled to be held by all of us for so long.
The Clubhouse has a special sign in desk.

The girls pause for a photo during their grand tour of the clubhouse.

T.S. is definitely smitten with Evan.

Sadie and Evan

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pueblo Dwelling

Sadie finished her project for social studies today.  She chose to do a Pueblo dwelling.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Nephew

We have a new addition to our family.  Our nephew (cousin) was born on Friday.  You can go HERE to meet him.

Aunt Laura is very excited about him!!

Sadie showed well at the fair this weekend.  Hopefully pictures soon (don't hold your breath)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Where we've been...

Sorry for the absence of posts and pictures. We have been relatively busy.

The kids and I made our annual Ruidoso trip with the aunts, uncles and cousins last week while Robby was at ag. teacher's conference. Unfortunately I got there without my camera, so here''s a recap.

Fishing--Sadie caught one fish and T.S. caught the pond liner. I successfully unhooked the two fish that were caught in our group. I'm pretty sure that impressed a few of the cousins--I'm also now an expert at unweaving fishing-line "nests" at the end of poles. We didn't lose any of the 6 kids in the pond, either.

Golf--Jay was kind enough (and brave enough) to take the cousins golfing on the 3-par--T.S. was thrilled.

Horse races--T.S. loves watching everything and picking a horse. A friend of ours had a horse running, and it won! Sadie got to be in the picture at the winner's circle.

Swimming--the Tirey cousins are definitely Olympics bound. Our annual diving "competition" was another success.

Around the condo--fun among the cousins, games of catch, rocket launching and hanging out.

Shopping--I'm ready for school--thanks Jay for watching the kids so I could go shopping!

Overall, it was a great time. We all enjoyed our time with family. Hopefully I'll remember the camera next time.

Today we are cleaning house in anticipation of my sister's family's visit. They'll be here for a few days and then the Wilbourn newlyweds will arrive--I promise to take pictures.

Friday, July 9, 2010

We were bored...

Today I got onto the kids for watching too much TV and not playing outside. We are on day 11 or 12 of below 90 degree weather; there is no excuse to live on a farm and not be outside.

I looked out the door to see that the kids had propped a swimming pool slide onto the well house and were having a ball. They were even inventive enough to get old hydraulic jack bases up on top to help weight down the top of the slide. (Don't ask why we have a pool slide; we don't own a pool. Robby brought it home a few years ago because, "We might need it when I turn the windmill into a fort.")

I asked the kids if they were ready to come in and eat (at 8:30pm):

"No, we are having too much fun," said Sadie.
"You said there was lots to do out here and we're doing it, this is fun," replied T.S.
I guess I'll let them stay outside until dark. Supper is over-rated anyway.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Lambs

This is Stitches. Robby is inspecting the stitches he has on the side of his mouth.

This is Nugget--his full name is Golden Nugget.

Sadie is rubbing on Stitches. You have to tie them up and rub them down a lot; this gets them trained to stand still when the judge comes around (we hope).

Memorial Day weekend, Sadie and Robby went to Uncle Craig's to get the lambs. It has taken me this long to get my act together and properly photograph them.

Last night, Robby removed the rest of Stitches's stitches. Sadie also began training them to walk with the halter. It was an interesting time, but both lambs were doing pretty well when she finished.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Sadie!!

Sadie turns ten today. She is excited to be in her first "double digits."

Ten things about Miss Sadie Grace:

1. She is growing into a quite a little lady.

2. She is artistic.

3. She makes us laugh.

4. She's a hard worker.

5. She is humble.

6. She LOVES animals.

7. When she faces a challenge, she is determined.

8. She doesn't mind getting dirty.

9. She's a good friend.

10. She's beautiful...inside and out.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tee Ball

Catching up with friends on second base.

At bat.
Pre-game warm up.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

T.S. graduated from Kindergarten Friday. The theme was "Top Hats and Tiaras." The girls sang "Diamonds are a Girls' Best Friend" and wore gloves, boas, tiaras and large "diamond" rings. The boys sang "Top Hat" and wore top hats, bow ties and had a dancing cane. It was a neat number. T.S. received the Milky Way award for science and all of his question asking.

He had a great year with Mrs. Osmanski and Mrs. Cox.

The cane turned into a paintball gun as soon as graduation was over--I had to ask him to quit shooting it during the rest of the elementary awards.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sadie has been taking fiddle lessons since October. We are very fortunate that her teacher comes to Happy each week for lessons. The Middleton kids and our preacher also take fiddle and guitar lessons. This morning they provided the special music for the offertory at church.

Sydni played "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Sadie, Tom and Sam all played the fiddles and Cy and Robby accompanied them with guitar for "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."

I didn't get a picture of the whole group playing during church, they were too spread out. Tom was busy greeting everyone after church, so he's not in the group picture.

Marker Rockets

T.S. came up with his own rocket launcher on Saturday. He stretched a rubber band across the over-truned rocking chair and started shooting markers across the living room. He was quite pleased with his "invention."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Track Meet

Today we ran the individual events at the elementary track meet. Our team, Bow's Blasters, started the day with stretching.
The other pictures are of Sadie and T.S. at the starting line for the 50yd dash. Both of the kids ran really hard today and we were super proud of them. If you had to go to school on a Saturday, a half day of track was definitely the way to go.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dance Recital

Sadie had her spring dance recital tonight. She did an outstanding job. The first pictures are from dress rehearsal--no flash photography during the recital. Her group did a pom dance to "Work This Out," a dance to "Fame," and a chant. The whole recital was incredible. We are really fortunate that Brooke and Robin are so willing to teach classes at the community center.

Robby picked up flowers for Sadie and T.S. presented them to her after the recital.

Tomorrow we have another busy day--the rest of the track meet (nothing like making up a snow day on a Saturday) and then Sadie has a fiddle jam session. I'll try to remember by camera. I forgot it this morning, so no pictures of the team events today.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, T.S.!

T.S. is six today. We celebrated with GeGe last night. he plans to take a friend on an adventure sometime this summer when things slow down.
Six things about T.S.:
1. He is funny--he makes us laugh a lot. (Thankfully his Kindergarten teacher thinks he is funny, too.)
2. He is inquisitive.
3. He is starting to come out of his shell, but is still a little bashful.
4. He is artistic, has a great imagination, and is always up for an adventure.
5. He is finally a little interested in learning to read.
6. He is a math whiz.

T.S. in his laundry basket fishing for jelly fish.